Activities in the field of financial literacy in Bulgaria
Bulgaria has already implemented numerous programmes and carried out a number of initiatives aimed at improving the financial literacy of the population. Although so far these resources and activities have not been coordinated at national level, many of them have been carried out in partnership between different organisations.
Detailed description (mapping) of the activities already carried out and their grouping by priority or type of activities makes it easier to map what has been achieved so far, to identify successful practices and existing deficits and on this basis to outline priorities for the future period.
When establishing the Interdepartmental Working Group on Financial Literacy at the Minister of Finance in the beginning of 2019, the institutions and organizations represented in it provided detailed information about the activities carried out by them, as well as about the target groups they are aimed at. The collection of this information and its systematization has helped the preparation of this National Strategy for Financial Literacy, which brings together the results of already existing programmes and activities, building on the definition of specific priorities, objectives and measures in the long term. The Action Plan drawn up to the Strategy covers the main and the top priority activities that will be carried out in the period 2021-2025 in order to increase the financial literacy in Bulgaria.
Within the framework of the 5-year joint project (2018-2022) on financial literacy with OECD and the Ministry of Finance of the Netherlands, a document on the mapping of the financial education in the country was drawn up. The recommendations in this document are also taken into account in the drafting of the Strategy.