State Fund for Guaranteeing the Stability of the State Pension System

The State Fund for Guaranteeing the Stability of the State Pension System (SFGSSPS) has been established pursuant to the Transitional and Final Provisions of the 2006 State Budget of the Republic of Bulgaria Law. At the end of 2008 the National Assembly (NA) adopted a Law on the State Fund for Guaranteeing the Stability of the State Pension System SFGSSPS and its implementation was assigned to the Minister of Finance.

The resources of the Fund are an independently separated part of the central budget and respectively part of the fiscal reserve. Originally, some of the proceeds in the Fund are regulated with the Transitional and Final Provisions (TFP) of the State Budget Law for every year, Decrees of the Council of Ministers (DCM) and resolutions of the National Assembly. The proceeds in and the deductions from the Fund are regulated by the Law on SFGSSPS (article 1, paragraph 4 and article 11) and article 129, paragraphs 12 and 15 of the Social Security Code (SSC).

Data on the changes in the cash flows on the Fund's account with the BNB is published on the website of the Ministry of finance (, banner SFGSSPS, Statistical Data, Reporting data on the Silver Fund) on a monthly basis.

The accrued proceeds in the SFGSSPS are formed as follows:

In 2007, in execution of Article 124 of Council of Ministers’ Decree No 20/2007 and § 16, para. 3 of the TFP of the 2007 State Budget of the Republic of Bulgaria Law, the Ministry of Finance made a transfer from the central budget to the SFGSSPS representing 25 percent of the privatisation proceeds under the 2006 executive budget and 50 percent of the savings of expenditure under the 2006 executive budget.

In 2008, in accordance with the provisions of § 17, para. 3 of the TFP of the 2008 State Budget of the Republic of Bulgaria Law, item 3 of NA Resolution of 29.11.2007 on approval of additional budget appropriations under the 2007 executive budget, Article 8, para. 1, item 1 and Article 8, para. 5, item 2 of the Privatisation and Post-privatisation Control Law (PPCL), amended and supplemented, SG, issue 65 of 2008, in force from 22.07.2008, the following components were included in the transfer of resources to the Fund's account:

  • 50 per cent of the savings of expenditure under the republican budget for year 2007, determined as the difference between the amounts planned and the amounts reported under the parameters of Article 1, paragraph 2, section II of the 2007 State Budget of the Republic of Bulgaria Law;
  • 25 per cent of the receipts from privatisation, as reported in the executive budget for year 2007;
  • the excess over the 3 percent of GDP surplus under the consolidated fiscal programme for 2007 reported as at 31.12.2007.;
  • 90 percent of the money proceeds from the privatisation of the state-owned participating interest in the capital of any commercial corporations, as well as of self-contained parts of the property of any wholly state-owned commercial corporations, except in the cases under Article 2 and Article 10a of the PPCL, and
  • 90 percent of the money proceeds from any damages charged on any obligations assumed but unfulfilled, as included in the contracts for privatisation.

In 2009, in accordance with the provisions of § 17, para. 3 of the TFP of the 2009 State Budget of the Republic of Bulgaria Law, Article 44 of Council of Ministers’ Decree 27/2009 on the implementation of the 2009 State Budget of the Republic of Bulgaria, Article 8, para. 1, item 1 and Article 8, para. 5, item 2 of the PPCL, amended and supplemented, SG, issue 65 of 2008, in force from 22.07.2008, the following components were included in the transfer of resources to the Fund's account:

  • 25 percent of the surplus reported in the 2008 executive budget;
  • 90 per cent of the reported in the 2008 republican budget proceeds from privatisation, decreased by the amount of the deductions for the Fund pursuant to Article 8, paragraph 1, item 1 of the PPCL.
  • revenues from concessions reported in the executive budget including the revenues reported in central budget for 2008 and under the Ministry of Finance budget from 18 November to 31 December 2008;
  • 90 percent of the money proceeds from the privatisation of the state-owned participating interest in the capital of any commercial corporations, as well as of self-contained parts of the property of any wholly state-owned commercial corporations, except in the cases under Article 2 and Article 10a of the PPCL, and
  • 90 percent of the money proceeds from any damages charged on any obligations assumed but unfulfilled, as included in the contracts for privatisation.

For the period 2010 – 2018, to the account of the Fund were transferred the following deductions pursuant to Article 11, para. 1 of the Law on SFGSSPS (prom., SG, issue. 98 of 14.11.2008, amended and supplemented, SG, issue 99 of 2009, in force from 01.01.2010, issue 15 of 2013, in force from 01.01.2014):

In 2010, to the account of the Fund were transferred resources representing revenues from concessions reported in the executive budget for 2009 (Article 11, para. 1, item 3 of the Law on SFGSSPS) and money proceeds from privatisation (Article 11, para. 1, item 1 of the Law on SFGSSPS and Article 8, para. 1 of the PPCL (amended, SG, issue 99 of 2009, in force from 01.01.2010).

For the period 2011 – 2013 the following components were included in the transfer to the Fund's account:

  • money proceeds from privatisation reported in the executive budget (Article 11, para. 1, item 1 of the Law on SFGSSPS);
  • revenues from concessions reported in the executive budget (Article 11, para. 1, item 3 of the Law on SFGSSPS); and
  • revenues from other sources determined by law or an act of the Council of Ministers – fines and pecuniary penalties and forfeits related to the privatisation process under Article 8, para. 8, item 2 of PPCL (Article 11, para. 1, item 4 of the Law on SFGSSPS).

In the period 2014 – 2024, pursuant to the provisions of Article 11, para. 1 of the Law on SFGSSPS, to/from the account of the Fund were transferred resources representing:

  • money proceeds from privatisation reported in the state budget (Article 11, para. 1, item 1 of the Law on SFGSSPS);
  • revenues from concessions reported in the state budget (Article 11, para. 1, item 3 of the Law on SFGSSPS);
  • revenues from other sources determined by law or an act of the Council of Ministers – fines and pecuniary penalties and forfeits related to the privatisation process under Article 8, para. 8, item 2 and para. 9 of PPCL (Article 11, para. 1, item 4 of the Law on SFGSSPS); and
  • deductions in accordance with the provisions of Article 129, paras. 12 and 15 of the Social Security Code in connection with Article 1, para. 4 and Article 22, paras. 2 and 3 of the Law on SFGSSPS.

The amounts under Article 11, para. 1 of the Law on SFGSSPS are transferred to the Fund’s account by 31 May of the following budget year at the latest. (Article 11, para. 2 of the Law)

Interest in the total amount of BGN 249.0 million was accrued on the Fund’s resources over the period September 2022 - December 2024.

After the entry into force of the Law on SFGSSPS the Fund is managed by a Management Board consisting of a chairperson and 8 members. The Minister of Finance is the Chairperson, and the Minister of Labour and Social Policy is the Deputy Chairperson of the MB. They participate by title in the Management Board. The members of the MB are appointed and dismissed by a decision of the Council of Ministers. Members must meet the statutory requirements in respect of education and professional experience.

The members of the Fund's Management Board have been appointed by CM Decision No 416 of 2010, as amended by CM Decisions Nos 729 and 843 of 2010, CM Decision No 891 of 2011, CM Decision No 1012 of 2012, CM Decision No 797 of 2013, CM Decision No 821 of 2014, CM Decision No 987 of 2015, CM Decisions Nos 171, 608 and 1043 of 2016, CM Decisions Nos 647 and 772 of 2017, CM Decision No 846 of 2018, CM Decision No 714 of 2019, CM Decisions Nos 8 and 836 of 2020, CM Decisions Nos 487, 711 and 796 of 2021 and CM Decisions Nos 273, 610, 912 and № 809 of 2023 and № 876 of 2024 г.

The strategic documents of the State Fund for Guaranteeing the Stability of the State Pension System (SFGSSPS) (Article 23(1) of the Law on the State Fund for Guaranteeing the Stability of the State Pension System) were updated annually by Council of Ministers’ Decisions No. 658 of 2017, No. 693 of 2018, No. 641 of 2019, No. 933 of 2020, No. 834 of 2021, No. 1047 of 2022 and No. 11 of 2024 in line with economic developments, market indicators and changes in the parameters of the state pension system resulting from any legislative amendments.

The long-term investment policy of SFGSSPS and the mid-term strategy for investment of the funds of the SFGSSPS for the period 2025-2027 have been adopted by the Council of Ministers with CM Decision No 1 of 2025. The Decision is available on the Legal information system of the Council of Ministers.

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