The budget balance under the Consolidated Fiscal Programme (CFP) as of end-April is negative, amounting to BGN 286.4 million, and is formed by a deficit under the national budget of BGN 126.3 million and under EU funds of BGN 160.1 million. For the same period of 2012 the deficit amounted to BGN 217.1 million. It should be noted that at the end of April an amount of around BGN 100 million was transferred in advance to the State Social Security in relation to the timely payment of pensions and benefits for May given the long holiday period. On a monthly basis, the CFP budget balance in end-April 2013 is positive amounting to BGN 509.2 million against BGN 473.8 million for April 2012.
Key performance data under the CFP as of April 2013
At end-April, CFP revenues and grants stand at BGN 9,288.5 million or 30.4% of those planned in the 2013 State Budget Law.
As of end-April tax proceeds, including revenues from social security contributions, total BGN 7,387.1 million, being 79.5 % of all proceeds under the CFP. Revenues from direct taxes are BGN 1,672.2 million, or 40.5% of those planned for the year. Indirect tax revenues amount to BGN 3,545.8 million, or 28.7% of those planned in the 2013 State Budget Law, of which VAT revenues - BGN 2,378.3 million, or 30.2%; excise duties - BGN 1,119.3 million, or 26.6 %; custom duties - BGN 41.4 million, or 34.5 %. Proceeds from other taxes, including property taxes and other taxes under the Corporate Income Tax Law, amount to BGN 330.8 million, or 38.3% of the plans for the year. Revenues from social security and health insurance contributions as of 30.04.2013 are BGN 1 838.3 million, or 30.3% of those planned for the year.
Non-tax revenues and grants amount to BGN 1,901.4 million, or 26.5% of those planned for the year.
The expenditures under the consolidated budget, including the contribution of the Republic of Bulgaria to the EU budget, as of 30.04.2013 amount to BGN 9,575.0 million, or 30.2% of the planned for the year. Compared to end-April 2012 the expenditures under the consolidated budget are higher by BGN 820.7 million (9.4 %). Non-interest current expenditures amount to BGN 8,119.9 million (33.7% of the planned for the year), capital expenditures (including net increment of state reserve) amount to BGN 708.3 million (13.1 % of the planned for the year), while interest payments - to BGN 351.0 million (40.1% of the planned for 2013).
The part of Bulgaria\'s contribution to the EU budget, paid for the four months of 2013 from the central budget, amounts to BGN 395.7 million, which complies with Council Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1150/2000 of 22 May 2000 implementing Decision 94/728/EC, Euratom on the system of the Communities\' own resources.
Fiscal reserve as of 30.04.2013 amounts to BGN 5.4 billion.
Data on consolidated budget implementation as of 31 January 2013 are published in \"Budget\"/\"Statistics\" section on the website of the Ministry of Finance.