"We will analyse the situation professionally and where we identify any problems, we will act according to the fiscal tools available". This is what the Minister of Finance in the caretaker government Rumen Porodzanov said when taking over the position from Mr. Petar Chobanov at the ceremony held at the Ministry of Finance.
Minister Porodzanov outlined several of his initial priorities, i.e. audits of the ministries in view of analysing the future financial commitments and audits of the revenue and expenditure incurred so as to identify any future difficulties to the performance of the expenditure side of the budget. Likewise, the 2015 budgetary procedure, which has already started, will review and analyse the macro framework and the medium-term budget forecast. As to the review of the current budget, Minister Porodzanov said that the caretaker government would apply the statutory instruments available to solve any issues that could arise.
The caretaker Finance Minister added that he would take his managerial decisions relating to his team after getting to know the analyses and the situation in the Ministry of Finance. He thanked his predecessor, Mr. Chobanov, for not having changed the expert potential of the Ministry on which he would rely.
On his behalf, Minister Petar Chobanov expressed his gratitude to the Ministry's staff with whom he worked over the last 14 months. He highlighted that he was about to leave the Ministry in trustworthy hands and that it had been an honour for him to be heading the most important system within the state.