"Interaction among institutions in favour of higher education should go deeper not only in view of a better quality but with the clear understanding that no matter what investment we make in social infrastructure, if there is no quality human capital to manage them, we will have failed." This is what Minister of Finance Vladislav Goranov said in his address to the lecturers and students from the University of National and World Economy on the occasion of the 95th anniversary of its establishment.
"Your responsibility is even bigger against the background of the fact that human capital investment becomes increasingly difficult, and while in the course of development of industrial society investment in tangible assets becomes relatively easy and capital movement is faster, the difficulty of educating oneself and acquiring knowledge is the same as 1,000 years ago. I therefore wish you to be as assiduous and responsible as ever to the knowledge you vest in your students in order for human capital which grows more and more scarce across old Europe, and on the territory of Bulgaria, unfortunately, to return to the quality level we remember from the period when everyone of us has formed themselves as specialists and citizens", the Minister of Finance said. He was certain that in the contemporary economic situation for him, as part of the Government, the role of education will always be a priority.
Mr. Vladislav Goranov expressed his reverence and respect to the lecturers that form the economic science and turn into knowledge for young people who, in turn, are to contribute to the country's development. The Minister of Finance also wrote a dedication in the book of honour of the University of National and World Economy. "In its 95th anniversary the University of National and World Economy consolidated itself as the fundamental higher school building well-prepared staff for the Bulgarian economic and financial system. It is an honour for me to congratulate you on the anniversary celebrating the establishment of the temple of economic knowledge. I am sure that in the context of modern economic challenges Bulgaria faces, the University of National and World Economy will continue preparing high-qulaity professionals that will ensure the good governance of the national economy and of the country", he wrote.
As a Ph.D student and part-time lecturer of the University of National and World Economy Mr. Vladislav Goranov was awarded a honorary diploma by the rector, prof. Stati Statev, as well as a statuette expressing the founder of the oldest economic school in Bulgaria prof. Stephan Bobchev.